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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconSchool reopening 29 June 2020


Dear Parents / Carers

I am pleased to say that, having completed an exhaustive health and safety review and working within guidelines produced by the Welsh Government and Cardiff Council, we are now in a position to outline how more children will be welcomed back to Lakeside Primary School after 29 June.


Firstly, these are the key principles that have guided our planning:


  • School must be safe for everyone;
  • We must strictly limit the number of staff and pupils on site at any one time to comply with social distancing laws;
  • We will have the correct range and number of staff to look after children to maintain social distancing and effective hygiene practices;
  • The Hub will continue to look after children of Key Workers;
  • Home learning will continue for all children throughout, with staff available in Google Classroom during the afternoons.


How will it work?


  • Children will have the opportunity to attend school for three morning sessions over the four weeks, 29 June – 25 July. Sessions will be between 9.00-9.30 and 12-12.30, with staggered start and finish times to allow for social distancing at the gate and while children walk to their classroom. You will be told which three sessions your child(ren) can attend.
  • Parents will not be allowed on site. You will drop off and collect your children at the blue gates at the main entrance on Ontario Way, where staff will collect them and take them to class.
  • The road outside the school will be closed to vehicles during drop off and pick up, to give parents the necessary room to be socially distanced.
  • We have divided the children alphabetically into small groups so that siblings and families attend on the same day. You will be told which three sessions your child(ren) can attend.
  • Children will be with other members of their year group in small groups of around 7-8. Children will not be allowed to mix with other children or groups.
  • Each child will have their own desk and will be provided with their own set of equipment to be

stored in school.

  • There will be no catering or snacks provided in school. Children must bring in their own water bottle and a snack.
  • Pupils will NOT need to wear school uniform during these four weeks – we are mindful that pupils are likely to have outgrown their uniform.


From all of the conversations we’ve had over the last three months, we know how much the children are missing coming to school, seeing their friends and teachers and everyone’s desire to ‘return to normal’. We know how difficult it continues to be for parents and carers trying to balance home working and home learning.


We also understand that there will be parents, carers and staff who have concerns about the children returning to school. This is a big step for us all and we appreciate that families will view this latest development in different ways.


The decision whether to send your child back to school this term is yours to make but we need you to tell us what you have decided. To let us know your decision, please click on the link below, which will direct you to a simple form. You need to do this no later than 2pm on Friday 20 June.

Your response this week will inform our planning until the end of term. Please be assured that there will be no penalty or fines if you keep your child at home, and that we will continue to support them with the same home learning resources as their classmates.


If you do not reply, we will have to assume that your child will NOT be attending school for the remainder of the summer term.


Click here to complete the questionnaire

Please complete one survey per child


I will be in touch again early next week with details of your child’s allocated mornings (which will be on the same weekday each time). If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best wishes and stay safe,

Rachel Mitchell

Timetable of Surnames and days






Week 29-6-2020

Surname A - B

Surname E - H

Surname M - N

Surname S

Week 6-7-2020

Surname C - D

Surname I - L

Surname O - R

Surname T - Z

Week 13-7-2020

Surname A - D

Surname E - L

Surname M - R

Surname S - Z

Week 20-7-2020

Surname A - D

Surname E - L

Surname M - R

Surname S - Z

Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
