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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconUpdate for parents 3/7/2020

Dear Parents / Carers,

I am smiling as I write this! It has been such a wonderful week to welcome so many families back to school. Having our children with us on site, (for real as one of the children put it!) has really given the school its sense of purpose back. Their smiles, excitement, confidence and enjoyment of school have given us all a huge boost throughout the week.  I want to thank you as parents/carers for your continued support in enabling our children to come back with such confidence and those of you at home for all you are doing in continuing to support home learning.

The ease with which pupils and staff returned to site this week is testimony to the incredible amount of planning and preparation undertaken behind the scenes and to our all of our staff, but in particular to Mr Carey who has done a really exceptional job in making everything as safe as possible for us all.

I hope that you will fully appreciate that I am not in a position to share any further detail about plans for September until we hear from Welsh Government and Cardiff Local Authority.  The Welsh Government has yet to announce what is expected of schools in the Autumn term in regard to social distancing measures, numbers of pupils permitted to be on site each day etc. As soon as I have any news on this, I will let you know. I understand that this has huge implications on working parents and I appreciate the additional stress that this causes.


In light of the possibility that children may not be back full-time in September and to further develop our home learning strategy, we have begun to look at an approach called ‘Blended Learning’ which is aimed at supporting learning both in school and at home. This approach will involve using the technology and the learning platforms that the children are becoming familiar with, such as Hwb and SeeSaw, and practical, hands on activities.

There are two ways you can help us in developing this approach:

1) Complete the survey monkey questionnaire about how home learning has been for you


2) Talk to your children over the weekend about what helps them with home learning

Finally, I would like to share with you some of the things children have said this week that made us smile!

I’m so excited, I can’t stop running!

I don’t want to go home – can I stay longer?

I am so excited to be back I didn’t want it to stop.

Please can I rewind time and start the day again?

I have really liked  seeing you ‘for real’!

Last night I was excited and today I am puzzled – but in a good way! It’s a bit different here.

I’m so glad to be back – parents aren’t very good teachers!

I’ve been waiting for this day for a very long time.

I am going to draw a happy face because I’m happy to be back in school.

Mrs J – your hair is so long, you look like one of those people who live in caves!

Best wishes,


Rachel Mitchell

Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
