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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconUpdate for parents 8 January 2021


Dear Parents / Carers,

Welsh Government announcement

I am sure many of you will have heard the WG announcement this morning that Schools in Wales will remain on remote learning for the next 3 weeks and maybe longer:

“Schools in Wales will stay shut until February and are not likely to re-open until after half term

He also warned that unless there was a "significant" drop in cases before January 29 - when the next three-week review of the regulations is carried out - school and college students will continue to learn online until the February half-term.” (Half Term is 15-19 Feb, so return to school would be on 22.2.21).

School staff have been busy preparing for this situation since Monday and we will be sending out guidelines later on today that detail what every year group can expect in terms of live sessions through Google meet, videos and online work. We have had an excellent response to home learning this week with a high uptake among pupils in all year groups – around 95% - which we are delighted with, so thank you (both pupils and parents) for all your efforts.

Access to HUB

Cardiff has now confirmed that we can offer Hub places to families where only one parent is a key worker, not two. Please email the school if you would like a place in the Hub for your child(ren). Hub children will be in double year groups with members of staff on a rota who will guide and support children in accessing the Home Learning provision for their year group.

Again, I want to send a big Lakeside thank you to all of you who are critical workers at this time.

Access to Chromebooks

We have given out a number of Chromebooks to families already this week. If you would like one to support your children’s learning, please email the school and we will arrange that for you.

Best wishes and stay safe everyone,

Rachel Mitchell

Head teacher

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